Our Citabria is the perfect airplane to learn about spins and expanded pitch and bank angles. You will experience first hand the what it's like to safely demonstrate and recover from spins, accelerated stalls, and this experience can count toward your FAR 61.183 endorsement.
Earn a tailwheel endorsement in either our Citabria . The Citabria is a great beginner tailwheel, requiring more attention to aircraft control, good all around performance, and forgiving characteristics, while allowing access to places you can't go in a typical trainer.
Our Scout can be equipped with high flotation tundra tires to allow it to safely visit rough or soft unprepared locations . We can show you how to safely plan, execute, and recover from a visit to some of remote airfields in New England.
What's the difference? The Citabria is a derivative of the Aeronca Champ, with a larger engine,(150hp) and aerobatic capability. The Scout is a larger version of the Citabria, optimized for backcountry flying as a utility airplane. With a higher useful load, stronger taller gear, and a 180hp engine, the Scout can carry more, go farther. Both aircraft are currently supported by American Champion, making maintenance much easier than a vintage aircraft.